Thursday 12th September 2013 5:07pm
4,491 posts
Not the best of days but I guess progress has been made of sorts. It would appear that I don't have enough cash behind me for a deposit for the shared ownership scheme but that's OK. I've done some research on my likely outgoings with a rented place and cross referenced with what I'd expect to pay in child support and what benefits the wife is entitled to and we can definitely make it work. To get back on the ladder it will force me to become a saver and by living on my own that will be far easier to do.
I've got a couple of rental viewings lined up already but I'm probably a bit early for that. Fortunately there seems to be enough decent property around that should either of these not work out it won't really matter all that much. There's a good chance I may speak to our landlord about what's going on tomorrow and once that's done it'll all start moving.
We had hoped to pick the car up from the garage today but it is still off the road as yet another problem has presented itself. This issue was potentially dangerous and if we hadn't had the other stuff done we'd never have known. The cost has escalated alarmingly as a result but we are nearly there now - I just want it done so it's no longer my concern.
The wife actually took it better than I thought she would. She's been getting cabin fever because she can't get around as easily but ultimately this only inconvenience. Better another day off the road than a trip to casualty.
This all rather proves my point with the post I made on here earlier. I could get stressed about it but it doesn't solve anything - just gotta have faith that it will all work itself out in the end.