Quote: Ben @ August 27 2013, 5:34 PM BSTBen is looking forward to some sausages.
Ooh er!

EDIT: By the way, I'll have some sausages for dinner as well.
Quote: Ben @ August 27 2013, 5:34 PM BSTBen is looking forward to some sausages.
Ooh er!
EDIT: By the way, I'll have some sausages for dinner as well.
Quote: Jennie @ August 27 2013, 5:21 PM BSTJennie is relieved. Just had an interview for a financial/legal placement that went OK. Fingers crossed.
Quote: Ben @ August 27 2013, 5:34 PM BSTBen is looking forward to some sausages.
You see Jennie that's why Ben is a legend and you could learn a lot from him!
Have been called to do a nightshirt tonight and seeing as I haven't worked most of the summer and kids are away, have sensibly said yes...trouble is I'm tired right now and don't start until nine, what will I be like after twelve hours. Help!
If you're doing a night shirt, could you do my socks?
Aagh though night shifts after not being asleep, horrible memories.
Quote: sootyj @ August 27 2013, 7:18 PM BSTIf you're doing a night shirt, could you do my socks?
Only if you remove them yourself this time Soots.
Excellent typo.
Good luck not falling asleep though!
That's a bloody cheek considering the fact you were wearing them at the time!
Quote: zooo @ August 27 2013, 7:22 PM BST
Excellent typo.
Good luck not falling asleep though!
I thought it was just one of Sootyj's little jokes...doh!
Thanks zooo, I'll try and ignore any jumping sheep that come my way.
Quote: sootyj @ August 27 2013, 7:22 PM BSTThat's a bloody cheek considering the fact you were wearing them at the time!
Yes, but it was freezing in that bunker.
Miserable sulky failure of a day. Not doing very well at this whole being a grown up lark.
Quote: Natalie Of Wicks @ August 27 2013, 7:49 PM BSTMiserable sulky failure of a day. Not doing very well at this whole being a grown up lark.
*Passes over wine glass filled to the brim*
What happened?
Oh nothing big, just being rubbish at responsibility. I will take your wine though, thank you. Especially if it is pink and fizzy and tastes like pop.
I will stop sulking now and go shower my failure away.
I can make a cocktail that tastes like Vimto. Want some of that instead?
Cider and Cherry B tastes just like Vimto - but what a latent kick.
Ben can hear a really yappy dog yapping its little heart out.