Sunday 18th August 2013 10:04am
4,987 posts
Quote: keewik @ August 18 2013, 12:28 AM BST
Idiots who pronounce 'th' as 'f'.
Not my thault I'm commone
Quote: Tursiops @ August 18 2013, 12:41 AM BST
Smartarses who ask me if I spell my name with one f or two.
I have learnt how to form the two sounds but I honestly struggle to hear the difference, and still occasionally lapse. It was bit of bugger growing up, what with having a 'th' in both my Christian name and my surname.

I can't hear the difference in other people either. So the surprising amount of people who try to 'correct' my accent by doing a gargoyle impression just look silly.
Now I come to think of it, are gargoyles gargoyles rather than grotesques because they gargle?