Monday 12th August 2013 3:04pm [Edited]
2,714 posts
HITLER: Victory is at our fingertips, Himmler! Soon, soon the world shall bow to the principles of the glorious Third Reich. It is time to begin demonstrating these principles, in the strongest manner possible.
HIMMLER: Mein Fuhrer, Operation Rhineland is poised to begin! We shall start exterminating the Jewish untermensch immediately.
HITLER: Well, OK, Heinrich, we could do that too, but I am talking about the greater goal of Nazism: accurate grammar.
HIMMLER: Fuhrer?
HITLER: Grammar. We shall purge sloppy grammar from the face of the earth with all necessary force. And spelling, that's on the list too.
HIMMLER: Erm. This is coming as a bit of a surprise to me, if I'm honest. Bit controversial, maybe?
HITLER: Really? What would you have said was the cornerstone of Nazism?
HIMMLER: The strive for racial purity.
HITLER: Right. Sure. I mean, it's good - I'm all for it - but when people in the future talk about Nazis, I want them to think of a glorious master race who were ruthlessly correct when using the conditional tense. Ooh, ooh, and parking.
HIMMLER: Parking?
HITLER: I've decided that Nazis stand for the extremely rigorous application of urban parking restrictions - if future generations start connecting our name with anything else, it will be an insult to all those people who die in this war.
HIMMLER: And what about the eradication of the Jews?
HITLER: I reckon you're a bit obsessed with that, to be honest. Perhaps you could take a break from the Final Solution stuff, Himmo, I've got some more ideas I want to develop: I want to work on linking the management of weights and measures with Nazism.
HIMMLER: How do you mean?
HITLER: Oh, you know, the size of a pint, shape of a vegetable, that sort of thing. And I really want us to be synonymous with feminism. We could look at enforcing an egalitarian lexis - getting rid of "manhole cover", and what have you.
HIMMLER: Is feminism not at odds with some of our policies of exclusivity?
HITLER: Oh, I'm sure that's a paradox that will dissolve if you think about it long enough. Now, off you go and start a concentration camp for split infinitive degenerates. Chop chop: arbeit macht frei!
[HIMMLER exits, HITLER picks up phone and dials]
HITLER: Goebels? I've heard that in Russia they don't have strictly applied speed limits, divert half the troops to Moscow. [Pause] I don't care if it's cold! [Pause] No I'm not making the uniform warmer! Does a military dress code mean nothing to you, man? [Pause] Oh, we won't lose *millions* of troops, you do exaggerate.