Monday 12th August 2013 9:14am
2,719 posts
Quote: Godot Taxis @ August 10 2013, 6:29 PM BST
The first thing that grated with me is the Americanisms: 'hives', 'ballpark', 'bellhop'. Unless your script is set in America these actually undermine characterisation as well as irritate.
Interesting that you wrote that, Godot. I wasn't sure if I would sound pedantic if I mentioned it, but it really leapt out at me.
I sort of disagree with Sooty here, because I don't think the characfters are lifeless - "Let's make this a happy room", for example, tells us a lot about the character already, and the right facial reaction could set up the relationship really well.
So, yes, these are nice, brief establishing swipes. I guess I'd like to see a scene with real plot meat to comment on how well the sit com might work, but I'm not avwerse to this at all.
Also, unless I missed the point and they were being sarcastic about the hives, the idea of a man who has a violent anaphylactic reaction to felines from the other side of the room agreing voluintarily to look after a cat is just too much - real Get Me Hennimore! stuff. If the guy does have a bad allergy, then perhaps have one of the other characterd agree to look after the cat, and try to hide it from him...?
Quote: Tursiops @ August 11 2013, 9:53 AM BST
It's a decent line.
Is it?
I suppose if we knew his father did no such thing and that it's all a pretence it might be sligthly funny, but on its own...
Now, I am intrigued by the idea of a kid making videos claiming he's going to shoot up the place, but that is a DARK idea, and seems to be a difficult fit in a script about naughty moggies and the "Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep".
Quote: Marc P @ August 11 2013, 10:08 AM BST
. And lines are the carapace of a successful sitcom not its skeleton.
That is truly excellent.