Teddy Paddalack
Thursday 8th August 2013 2:31pm [Edited]
4,554 posts
There are certain posters who work in pairs, one sends it over and the other one heads it in, I often suspect they may in fact be the same person.
I read one review that was so enthusiastic that I went back over the sketch six times looking to see if I had missed something.
But all in all you get honest reviews, even that lunatic Sooty is capable of putting together a decent insight into a thing.
I think these boards should put together ten people who henceforth would be known as the 'Panel'
If someone is saying that a sketch/ gag etc is shit and the poster thinks it's personal rather than practical the 'Panel' could step in an adjudicate.
All the 'Panel' would have to do would be to put up individual scores from one to ten and the percentages would work this.
Less than 20%
Total Sketch is Shite
30% - 40
Not that good
50 -50 fence sitting
60 -70%
Reviewer is talking shite
80- 90%
Reviewer should consider their position.
100% 'Panel on way round to your house with bats!