I wouldn't mind visiting Torquay. I like that vague end of the world feel that a lot of British seaside towns have.
General, General Thread Page 2,625
I haven't been down that part of the country since the mid 90s. Looking forward to it, but not the four hour drive.
Four hours? Pah! Wimp! Try driving from here to ...well, just about anywhere, especially if single-track roads are involved.
Quote: Ben @ August 1 2013, 7:26 PM BSTI'm going to Torquay next week. Apart from being booked into a fancy restaurant, I'm not sure what else there is to do. Any ideas?
Clamber over the wall and be careful that you don't slide down and fall off the cliff and you can go see the "Natural Arch" from close-up.
That used to be one of our favourite sub-aqua diving spots many years ago. There is a wreck underwater reached by swimming through the arch. The rock platform that you reach over the wall was the site of my infamous spaghetti fountain. { I cooked spaghetti over a primus stove in a pressure cooker and because we were in open air I thought it safe to just lift off the pressure control weight without first cooling the cooker. the result was many strands of spaghetti wriggled their way through the tiny hole and shot about 10 foot up in the air before raining around us.}
I just found out what a muffin top is !

Sand magnified 250 times.

That is some crazy shit.
Just idly watched 10 minutes of eleven year old WWTBAM on Challenge
Q (for £200}
"How is a cello normally played
a. On the lap
b. Under the chin
c. Between the legs
d. Across the chest ?"
"Can I ask the audience please Chris?"
Agree with some of this. I'm often told "Oh you are so small" by people. Other times I'm asked why and when I say I think it is genetics, people get annoyed. I've also on occasion had people tell me that would they love to have the same medical dietry restrictions as me, so they could be thin.
It's not ok for me to tell a larger person to stop eating chocolate etc- so why is it ok to comment that I am skinny?
Quote: zooo @ August 2 2013, 10:37 PM BSTSand magnified 250 times.
That is some crazy shit.
That is awesome!!! So pretty. And I just build sandcastles with it.
Quote: L.E. @ August 6 2013, 12:53 PM BSTThat is awesome!!! So pretty. And I just build sandcastles with it.
I agree. It's really fantastic.
On appearance:
Reds, my best mate at school lost all his hair at age 8. A nervous complaint brought on mainly by his parents' divorce. To get away from the conflict, he spent a lot of time at our house. In those circumstances, the idea that everyone looked normal was really drummed into me. Predictably, he did get a lot of negative comment elsewhere but not from me as it was what I truly believed.
At 20, I was an 8.5 stone male. At 30, 9 stone. I could eat and drink anything I wanted to and never put on weight.
I don't think I saw anyone really as fat but others - male and female - constantly referred to my weight. Now I am just under 11 stone and, if anything, slightly heavy. On reflection, I would not have politely sat in silence then but told them directly they were obese.
(Mr R's link which shows what millionaire men used to look like so I don't think that regular women in 2013 should worry, whatever their fat critics might say - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Jg7wFHWXT4&feature=youtu.be)*
*No offence to overweight people who aren't judgemental
The internet's Christian name.

...a picture I like...
Quote: Gordon Bennett @ August 7 2013, 12:36 PM BST...a picture I like...
I like that picture a lot.