Hi all,
Could really do with some help with my opening scene. The basic idea has been going around my head for weeks. But somehow - it isn't working. I am loathed to let it go, because I am totally in love with the idea. But like all romances, I am wondering if my objectivity is being compromised by the strength of my feelings.
So I have just had a go at sketching out the basic scene. I wrote this in 10 mins, and it obviously needs a LOT of work. But before I go further with it, would you mind having a quick read?
If it is completely hopeless then I shall abandon it and move on.
The court is abuzz with anticipation. Lots of people mill around.
CHARLES DAVIES (37) sits in the dock flanked by two security guards. He is wearing his barrister's gown.
He is screened from the rest of the court by a large pane of glass. Using the glass as a mirror, Charles painstakingly ushers a single lock of hair into place.
At the door of the court, ELLIE YOUNG (28) is ushering a large group of barristers to the public gallery. Each one gives her a ticket.
Charles finally manages to get the lock of hair into the perfect position. He painstakingly puts his wig on, thereby covering all of his hair.
The court quietens.
A WOMAN sitting a few rows away from Charles smiles at him. He smiles back and raises an eyebrow.
Will the defendant please stand.
Charles gets up.
Will the foreman of the jury please stand.
The woman gets up.
Madame Foreman, have the jury reached a verdict upon which they are all agreed?
We have.
In the public gallery, Ellie is noisily working her way through a large box of popcorn.
CHARLES (to security guards)
Bovine ancestry. No opposable thumbs.
On the charge of bigamy, do you find the defendant Charles Davies guilty or not guilty?
Charles looks at the woman with a puppy dog expression.
Charles collapses against the dock, heartbroken.
I'm sorry mate. These things happen.
I've lost everything.
Time to face the consequences, I'm afraid. You went into this willingly. You lost. Now you have to pay.
He puts his hand out to Charles.
Oh come on, I've just been convicted.
I'm sorry son. You've only got yourself to blame.
Charles sighs and reaches into his pocket for his wallet. He pulls out £20 and gives it to the security guard.
The security guard pockets the £20 and puts his hand out again.
Charles empties his entire wallet into his hand.
The security guard still waits.
Eventually, Charles pulls out the key to his jag and hands it over.
Charles Davies, stand up please. You have been convicted by this jury of bigamy. I am entirely satisfied that you are a callous, conniving, devious individual, motivated solely by the dual considerations of your loins and your wallet. You are without the merest shred of moral fibre or basic human decency.
At every remark, Charles nods and smiles. He is flattered.
You have sullied the reputation of decent, hardworking barristers everywhere.
In the public gallery, Ellie spills her entire box of popcorn over members of the local press.
Do you have anything to say before I pass sentence.
It seems I am going to need a lift to Sir Geoffrey's garden party tomorrow. Any chance you and Rosie could swing by in the Lambo, say 8ish? I'll wait in the usual spot.