EDL knucklehead disgracefully misappropriates Private Baldrick's finest World War I poetry http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/07/24/article-2375781-1AF79E81000005DC-889_306x566.jpg
I read the news today oh boy! Page 1,254

I heard that the Louis part of the new royals name is in tribute to Prince Philips uncle - lord louis mountbatten
Doesn't surprise me in the least....
It was alleged in the book 'War of the Windsors', and the Sunday People newspaper P17, that Lord Mountbatten was rumoured to have been linked to the Kincora boy's abuse network. Lord Mountbatten the last viceroy in India, was renowned to be wildly promiscuous, bisexual and to enjoy a bit of 'rough' or the pleasures of young working class boys or indeed peasant Indian boys.
Sums em' up
Ah 'it was rumoured', then it must be true!
Love the cover of Private Eye.
Plain white with big black letters reading "Woman Has Baby,"
I saw that on Twitter and retweeted it...
More than two-thirds of the UK public believe the £8.77bn cost of the London 2012 Olympics was worth the money, according to a BBC survey.
I didn't see much value, where's this so-called legacy? Did the public realise just how much money £8.77bn is? If the pollsters had drawn a one centimetre line on the pavement, and said it represented one Pound, would the public have had any idea how far a line representing £8.77bn would stretch? It would actually go twice around the world (based on the earth's circumference being 40,000km).
They should have spent the money on a massive comedy festival, then the legacy would have been obvious in all the DVDs we could have enjoyed for ever more.
Looked at another way £8.77 billion is equivalent to 85% of revenue raised through alcohol excise duty in 2012. Excise duty is 43 pence on pint of 4% ABV beer, so if you downed three pints in a session you were contributing a quid to the cost of the Olympic Games. Cheers me dears!
Great stuff. Thankfully, when the cats do finally turn on humanity they'll remember those who treated them well.
I'm sure the dog did something annoying. They usually do.
Quote: Tursiops @ July 26 2013, 10:25 AM BSTLooked at another way £8.77 billion is equivalent to 85% of revenue raised through alcohol excise duty in 2012. Excise duty is 43 pence on pint of 4% ABV beer, so if you downed three pints in a session you were contributing a quid to the cost of the Olympic Games. Cheers me dears!
According to this genuine HMRC document
there were about 30,400,000 taxpayers in the UK in 2011-2012
so £8.77 billion is £288.49 from EACH taxpayer.
Were you happy to pay £288.49 to pay for the Olympics? Did you earn an extra £288.50 as a result of the Olympics?
Quote: chipolata @ July 26 2013, 10:46 AM BSThttp://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/10201769/Warning-to-tourists-in-France-after-attack-by-feral-cats.html
Aaah - cute!
Quote: chipolata @ July 26 2013, 10:46 AM BSTGreat stuff. Thankfully, when the cats do finally turn on humanity they'll remember those who treated them well.