Where's That Fire?
- 1940 film
Wartime Will Hay comedy about a group of firemen. Also features Graham Moffatt, Moore Marriott, Eric Clavering, Hugh McDermott, Charles Hawtrey and Peter Gawthorne
Key details
- Genre
- Film
- Released
- 1940
- Stars
- Will Hay, Graham Moffatt, Moore Marriott, Eric Clavering, Hugh McDermott, Charles Hawtrey and Peter Gawthorne
- Writers
- J.O.C. Orton, Val Guest and Marriott Edgar
- Director
- Marcel Varnel
- Producer
- Edward Black
Sorry, we don't yet have a full guide to this production.
Additional details
- UK certificate
- U
- Duration
- 74 minutes
- UK release
- Monday 8th January 1940
- Distributors
- Production
- Studio
- Camera set-up
- Single camera
- Picture
- Black and white
Website links
Recording details
- Gainsborough Studios