Till Death Us Do Part
- 1969 film
Alf and the family get a big-screen outing in this feature film spin-off from the hit BBC sitcom. Stars Warren Mitchell, Dandy Nichols, Anthony Booth, Una Stubbs, Liam Redmond and more.

Key details
- Genre
- Film
- Released
- 1969
- Stars
- Warren Mitchell, Dandy Nichols, Anthony Booth, Una Stubbs, Liam Redmond, Bill Maynard, Brian Blessed, Sam Kydd and more
- Writer
- Johnny Speight
- Director
- Norman Cohen
- Producers
- Jon Penington and Beryl Vertue
- Company
There is almost awed silence in the cinema as a newsreel flickers on the screen. The military might of Germany is on parade. Tanks rumble past and Hitler takes the salute.
Suddenly the silence is broken. "All cardboard. ain't they? They're all cardboard!"
Only one man could speak so much nonsense with such conviction, be so ignorant. prejudiced - and loved. Alf Garnett.
The film chronicles the history of the Garnett family from the war with Hitler, to a later, and more sporting battle with some other Germans during the football World Cup. Alf is the same irascibie, off-beam, true-blue patriot and iconoclast as ever.
He weathered the war years in true Garnett fashion with his wife Else and the couple produced a daughter, Rita.
After the war ends he is still shouting the odds about anything and everything, from Harold Wilson ("bloody socialist") to his eventual son-in-law ("long-haired Scouse git"). Mike secretly harbours a great deal of affection for that "miserable old sod", his father-in-iaw!
Alf is a shocker. He is a mixture of bluff, sentiment and outrageous prejudice. However, mixed in with his bravado and braggadocio - Alf would have used a different word with the same meaning and roughly the same sound - are some grains of truth.
Alf is also a laugh - a good belly laugh. Most people see a little of themselves in the outrageous goings-on of the Garnett family...
Stream and download
Additional details
- Tagline
- Yer never saw Alf like this before!
- Part of
- UK certificate
- A
- Duration
- 103 minutes
- UK release
- Sunday 12th January 1969
- Produced
- 1968
- Distributors
- Also known as
- TDUDP (Acronym)
- Alf 'n' Family (US)
- Production
- Studio
- Camera set-up
- Single camera
- Picture
- Colour
- Soundtrack
- Title song Till Death Us Do Part composed by Ray Davies.
Website links
Broadcast details
- Most recent repeats
- Monday 8th February 2016 at 2:05am on ITV3
- Monday 7th December 2015 at 12:30am on ITV3
- Friday 3rd April 2015 at 11:50pm on ITV3
Recording details
- Shepperton Studios - Studios
- Danebury Avenue (Roehampton) - High-rise estate scenes (Link)