The Snarling
- 2018 film
A zombie film set turns into grim reality. Stars Laurence Saunders, Chris Simmons, Ben Manning, Pablo Raybould, Ste Johnston and more.
Cast & crew credits
Laurence Saunders | Les Jarvis |
Laurence Saunders | Greg Lupene |
Chris Simmons | Mike |
Ben Manning | Bob |
Pablo Raybould | Detective Inspector |
Ste Johnston | Sergeant Haskins |
Vicki Adebola | Alison |
Rebecca Gardner-Tildesley | Rachel |
Joel Beckett | Bruce |
Julie Peasgood | Verity |
Julia Deakin | Yvonne Mayor |
Albert Moses | Hospital Patient |
Alex Moses | Albert the Hospital Porter |
Ashley Blake | Self |
Pablo Raybould | Writer |
Pablo Raybould | Director |