It's A 2'6" Above The Ground World
- 1973 film
Comedy about a man whose religion forbids him from using birth control, and is thrown out of his tired wife's bed accordingly. Stars Hywel Bennett, Nanette Newman, Milo O'Shea, Nicky Henson, John Cleese and more.
It's A 2'6" Above The Ground World trivia
Originally certified, promoted to trade and released as It's A 2'6" Above The Ground World, the film was soon reissued under a new title, The Love Ban, which distributors felt was a better fit for the cinema-going public.
Based on Kevin Laffan's play - It's A 2'6" Above The Ground World - the film includes no writer/adaptor credit. It is likely to have been reworked for by Laffan, Thomas and/or Box.