The Monk, The Mermaid & Molise
- 2025 film
Guy Pratt stars as a bass player appearing in a series of gigs in Italy. Also features Sally Phillips, Ronni Ancona and Raffaello Degruttola.
- This film project is currently in development
Key details
- Genre
- Film
- Released
- 2025
- Stars
- Guy Pratt, Sally Phillips, Ronni Ancona and Raffaello Degruttola
- Producers
- Leila Mousavi, Sally Phillips, Ronni Ancona and Rino Piccolo
- Companies
Film following Guy, down on his luck, as he accepts an invitation to spend five days playing a series of bass clinics in a remote Italian region, Molise, run by a super fan, and must face up to decisions from his past.
Additional details
- Production
- Location
- Camera set-up
- Single camera
- Picture
- Colour