Shannon Matthews: The Musical - The Movie
- 2024 film
Adaptation of stage musical by Künt about the true story of a mother faking her daughter's disappearance. Also features Samantha Hindman, Rob Kirtley, Joseph McCallum, Mr. Jels, Billy Doherty and more.

Key details
- Genre
- Film
- Released
- 2024
- Stars
- Samantha Hindman, Rob Kirtley, Joseph McCallum, Mr. Jels, Billy Doherty, Laura Castle, Will Murray, Roy Tarmac and more
- Writer
- Künt
- Director
- Samantha Hindman
- Producers
- Künt, Meetal Leeka, Mark Williamson, David Fowler, Riley E.L.F., Lee Barnett, Tina Smith, Taylor Thompson and Elton Murphy
- Company
Shannon Matthews: The Musical is a dark, daft comedy which revels in the ridiculousness of the real-life story of mother-from-hell Karen Matthews. Inspired by the disappearance of Madeleine McCann, she decides to fake the kidnapping of her own daughter, little Shannon Matthews, aged nine, in an attempt to cash in the reward money.
Additional details
- Tagline
- A kid's missing. Don't make a song and dance about it.
- UK certificate
- 18
- Duration
- 91 minutes
- UK release
- Friday 26th April 2024
- UK premiere
- Friday 26th April 2024, Vue Cinema at The Light, Leeds
- Picture
- Colour
- Soundtrack
- Music originally created by Kunt and the Gang, except Shannon Ain't Dead (She's Under My Bed), based on Billy Ain't Dead (He's In My Shed) by Arse2Mouth. Backing music performed by The Kunts, with additional brass and percussion performed by Gary Richardson, cello performed by Grape Cohen, and trombone performed by Mr. B The Gentleman Rhymer.
Website links
Recording details
- Yorkshire, Essex and Gloucester