Peter's Friends
- 1992 film

Key details
- Genre
- Film
- Released
- 1992
- Stars
- Kenneth Branagh, Alphonsia Emmanuel, Stephen Fry, Hugh Laurie, Phyllida Law, Alex Lowe, Rita Rudner, Tony Slattery and more
- Writers
- Rita Rudner and Martin Bergman
- Director
- Kenneth Branagh
- Producers
- Kenneth Branagh, Stephen Evans and Martin Bergman
- Companies
Sorry, we don't yet have a full guide to this production.
Stream and download
Additional details
- UK certificate
- 15
- Duration
- 101 minutes
- UK release
- Friday 13th November 1992
- Distributors
- Production
- Studio
- Picture
- Colour
Website links
Broadcast details
- Most recent repeats
- Wednesday 20th December 2017 at 1:20am on London Live
- Friday 15th December 2017 at 9:00pm on London Live
- Friday 21st July 2017 at 10:00pm on London Live