Off The Dole
- 1935 film
Long-time dole claimant John Willie is forced to find work, and is quickly hired as a private detective. Stars George Formby, Dan Young, Constance Shotter, Clifford McLaglen, Beryl Formby and more.
Off The Dole
In Off The Dole George Formby plays John Willie, a young, work shy smart alec who has spent four glorious years on the dole because he can't get a job in his own trade - selling calendars during leap years! Now, however, the Dole Office have had enough - and kick him out into the street!
First released: Monday 14th April 2008
- Distributor: Simply Media
- Region: 2
- Discs: 1
- Minutes: 79
- Catalogue: 125152
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