Nina Forever
- 2016 film
Rom-zom-com about a man who begins to move on from the sudden, tragic death of his girlfriend, only to find her undead and returning to haunt him and his new partner. Stars Abigail Hardingham, Cian Barry, Fiona O'Shaughnessy, Elizabeth Elvin, David Troughton and more.
Press clippings
Meet the brains behind zom-rom-com Nina Forever
There's a fresh, funny and genuinely weird London-set zombie film out this week and no, it's not that Austen badaptation advertised everywhere. Nina Forever is the debut feature of writer-directors the Blaine Brothers, a magic realist tale that turns hackneyed zombie tropes inside out with a ménage à trois in which one of the people just happens to be (un)dead.
Stuart Black, Londonist, 11th February 2016