- 2023 film
A darkly comic, character-driven thriller following Ewan, a government whistle-blower, and Silke, his forthright Flemish wife. Stars Amit Shah, Sura Dohnke, Roger Evans, Tom Burke and Jenna Coleman
Press clippings
Klokkenluider review
A strong tonal balancing act.
Josh Slater-Williams, Little White Lies, 1st September 2023Klokkenluider review
A darkly comic debut from Neil Maskell.
Danny Leigh, The Financial Times, 31st August 2023Klokkenluider review
Caustic, dismissive and inflexible in what she expects from the exchange, Klokkenluider is a black comedy of dashed hopes, trampled optimism and good intentions dumped in a shallow grave, the pleasant countryside retreat belying the pressure cooker in the house where every character reacts differently and no one can really be trusted when the truth is whatever will look best on a banner headline.
Michael Flett, GeekChocolate, 31st August 2023Klokkenluider review
While the final moments linger on a little longer than they should, this nitpick isn't enough to dampen the impact of the ending.
Andrew Murray, The Upcoming, 30th August 2023Klokkenluider review
There is something of In Bruges about this Belgium-set tale of whistleblowers in hiding, with a little bit of David Brent.
Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian, 29th August 2023