- 2015 film
Two friends in debt to Russian strip club owners attempt to rob a convenience store; only to find themselves having to work there all night. Stars Ray Panthaki, Adeel Akhtar, Vicky McClure, John Norton, James Bradshaw and more.
Press clippings
Convenience review
A hold-up turned hostage situation in an all-night store is played for laughs.
Mark Kermode, The Observer, 4th October 2015Review: Robbers Without A Clue In Convenience
Thieves don't get much thicker than Ajay and Shaan, two hapless chancers who try to hold up a petrol station in new London-set comedy Convenience. This low (low) budget indy punches well above its weight thanks to charismatic performances from Ray Panthaki and Adeel Akhtar as the dim-witted duo.
Stuart Black, Londonist, 3rd October 2015The makers of Convenience deserve some credit for creating a low-budget British comedy that is mostly watchable and occasionally even funny. It is far from perfect but it has an endearing enthusiasm and an easy chemistry between stars Ray Panthaki and Adeel Akhtar. Heavily in debt to Russian mobsters, Shaan (Akhtar) and Ajay (Panthaki) decide to rob a local petrol station.
The safe is on a time lock and will not open until 6am so they stay the night, kidnapping the manager and dealing with a succession of customers. It starts to feel like a long night's journey into day but the sweet relationship between Ajay and bumbling, gormless Shaan helps to keep you on its side and there is the added bonus of This Is England's Vicky McClure as shop assistant Levi.
Allan Hunter, The Daily Express, 2nd October 2015Convenience review - fun-fuelled comedy caper
Vicky McClure leads a likable cast in this effortlessly enjoyable heist-gone-wrong drama set in a petrol-station shop.
Leslie Felperin, The Guardian, 1st October 2015Review: Convenience
Convenience may have worked better as a TV show and might just be passable as late night after-pub viewing but the inconvenient truth is this is definitely one to miss.
Tristan Hanks, Film News, 1st October 2015Film review: 'Convenience'
As we head for the dénouement, the influences become increasingly distracting and the whole affair requires some fairly blatant deux ex machinas to nudge the characters in the right direction and what began as quirky ends as plain daft.
John Bleasdale, Cine-Vue, 30th September 2015Convenience review
Convenience is funny, action-packed and sentimental, with a Reservoir Dogs homage that accentuates truly fun filmmaking, complete with the BAFTA winning talent of both McClure and Panthaki - who have both ensured their efforts have turned a small film into something so very big.
Aly Lalji, Hey U Guys, 29th September 2015