Come Play With Me
- 1977 film
'Sexploitation' genre comedy and Britain's longest-running film, having played at one cinema for 201 weeks. Stars Irene Handl, Alfie Bass, Mary Millington, Bob Todd, Tommy Godfrey and more.

Key details
- Genre
- Film
- Released
- 1977
- Stars
- Irene Handl, Alfie Bass, Mary Millington, Bob Todd, Tommy Godfrey, Ken Parry, Norman Vaughan, Suzy Mandel and more
- Writer
- George Harrison Marks
- Director
- George Harrison Marks
- Producers
- George Harrison Marks and David Sullivan
- Company
At London's trendy Burlesque club, the boss is miffed that his money forgers have scarpered with their equipment.
Meanwhile, at the organisation of the owner's nephew, a group of beautiful striptease performers currently out of work during Paris's low season, return to Britain and set their sights on turning around Scotland's struggling Bovington Manor Health Farm with a unique approach to rest and relaxation!
However, by pure coincidence of its middle-of-nowhere location, Bovington happens to be where the forgers are hiding out...
Stream and download
Additional details
- UK certificate
- X
- Duration
- 94 minutes
- UK release
- Thursday 28th April 1977
- Produced
- 1976
- UK premiere
- Thursday 28th April 1977, Classic Moulin, Great Windmill Street, London.
- Distributors
- Production
- Location
- Camera set-up
- Single camera
- Picture
- Colour
- Soundtrack
- Original music composed and conducted by Peter Jeffries. Original songs sung by Coming Shortly.
Website links
Broadcast details
- Most recent repeats
- Wednesday 23rd January 2019 at 3:00am on London Live
- Wednesday 19th December 2018 at 2:50am on London Live
- Monday 17th December 2018 at 2:00am on London Live
Recording details
- Bushey Film Studios - Studios
- London, Oxfordshire and Sussex - Various locations
- Weston Manor Hotel (Bicester) - Location of the manor house (Link)