Carry On, Constable
- 1960 film
Classic comedy with Sid James making his debut. A group of novices are drafted in to cover at a police station that's been hit by flu. Stars Sid James, Eric Barker, Kenneth Connor, Charles Hawtrey, Kenneth Williams and more.
Carry On, Constable trivia
Norman Hudis's screenplay for Carry On, Constable was based on an idea by Brock Williams.
Carry On, Constable was originally scheduled to be the third film in what became the Carry On series, but scriptwriter Norman Hudis failed to come up with anything, despite a placing at Slough Police Station to experience real life on the beat. Carry On Teacher was rushed into production, with Hudis later finding inspiration from episodes of BBC drama Dixon of Dock Green.
Carry, On Constable was originally planned to be called Carry On Copper, but it was felt the term 'Constable' would be more appealing to police amongst the audience.