A Liar's Autobiography
- 2013 comedy drama
Suitably psychedelic animated film of Graham Chapman's fictionalised autobiography. Stars Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Terry Jones and Michael Palin.
Cast & crew credits
Graham Chapman | Himself (Voice) |
John Cleese | Himself (Voice) |
John Cleese | Exploding Don (Voice) |
John Cleese | David Frost (Voice) |
Terry Jones | Himself (Voice) |
Terry Jones | Mother (Voice) |
Terry Jones | Biggles (Voice) |
Terry Jones | Anatomy Don (Voice) |
Terry Jones | Enormous Peter (Voice) |
Michael Palin | Himself (Voice) |
Michael Palin | Father (Voice) |
Michael Palin | Interview Don 1 (Voice) |
Michael Palin | Hibbern (Voice) |
Michael Palin | Queen Mother (Voice) |
Terry Gilliam | Interview Don 2 (Voice) |
Terry Gilliam | Dr One Across (Voice) |
Terry Gilliam | Pilot (Voice) |
Terry Gilliam | Aleister Crowley (Voice) |
Terry Gilliam | José (Voice) |
Carol Cleveland | Masseuse (Voice) |
Carol Cleveland | Singing Telegram (Voice) |
Carol Cleveland | Stewardess (Voice) |
Philip Bulcock | David Sherlock (Voice) |
Stephen Fry | Various (Voice) |
Rob Buckman | Various (Voice) |
Jamielisa Jacquemin | Various (Voice) |
Diana Kent | Various (Voice) |
Lloyd Kaufman | Various (Voice) |
Tom Hollander | Various (Voice) |
Cameron Diaz | Sigmund Freud (Voice) |
Graham Chapman | Writer |
David Sherlock | Writer |
Douglas Adams | Writer |
David A. Yallop (as David Yallop) | Writer |
Alex Martin | Writer |
Bill Jones | Director |
Ben Timlett | Director |
Jeff Simpson | Director |
Bill Jones | Producer |
Ben Timlett | Producer |
Meyer Shwarzstein | Executive Producer |
Mark Sandell | Executive Producer |
Mark Greenberg | Executive Producer |
Douglas A. Lee | Executive Producer |
Aurelio Landolt | Executive Producer |
Hanspeter Jaberg | Executive Producer |
James Greenslade | Executive Producer |
Christian Thum | Executive Producer |
Christian Walliker | Executive Producer |
Christophe Gruenig | Executive Producer |
Claus Tumbraegel | Executive Producer |
Dieter Reiff | Executive Producer |
Frank Sauer | Executive Producer |
Gareth Kervin | Executive Producer |
Moritz Schildt | Executive Producer |
Oskar Kaelin | Executive Producer |
Rainer Mueck | Executive Producer |
Roger Posch | Executive Producer |
Rolf Helbling | Executive Producer |
John Gresswell (as John Greswell) | Composer |
Christopher Taylor | Composer |