Five great Fast Show characters

The Fast Show brought a new twist to the TV sketch show format when it made its debut on BBC Two in 1994. As the title perhaps suggests, the creators were keen to deliver lots of short sketches which didn't outstay their welcome. As a result, the format quickly introduced a cavalcade of new characters to the audience at home.
Off the top of our head, we can think of more than 30 memorable characters the team created across the three series of their show. To list them all would be a very long article to wade through, so here are a selected five that perhaps particularly stick in the mind.
Swiss Toni

Swiss Toni - a Charlie Higson character - is one of The Fast Show's most enduring and beloved creations, as evidenced by the fact he got his own sitcom spin-off in 2003. Slick-haired and silver-suited, Toni actually looks like just the sort of man who would be found in a Swiss Online Casino, but actually he is a car salesman from England with an exaggerated sense of sophistication.
Swiss Toni is best known for his wildly inappropriate convoluted metaphors - usually comparing even the most mundane aspects of life to "making love to a beautiful woman". His pompous delivery and misplaced wisdom made him an instant fan favourite.
Ted and Ralph

Ted and Ralph, played by Paul Whitehouse and Charlie Higson, are at the heart of some of The Fast Show's most poignant and subtle sketches. Ralph - a lonely, aristocratic landowner - harbours an unspoken affection for his gruff but loyal Irish groundskeeper, Ted. The sketches are filled with awkward, heartfelt moments where Ralph tries to connect with Ted, who remains oblivious (or chooses to ignore) his employer's deeper feelings. The gentle pathos and beautifully understated performances made Ted and Ralph a standout element of the show.
The "Suits You" Tailors

Ken and Kenneth, played by Paul Whitehouse and Mark Williams, are a pair of overly suggestive and intrusive men who work in a gentlemen's outfitters. Their catchphrase, "Ooh! Suits you, sir!", became legendary as they relentlessly pestered customers with innuendo-laden remarks about their clothing choices and personal lives. They became so popular that even Hollywood royalty was keen to be seen with them - Johnny Depp appeared in a sketch.
Rowley Birkin QC

Another Paul Whitehouse character. Rowley Birkin QC is an elderly, eccentric barrister known for his rambling, barely intelligible anecdotes. His sketches typically involve him recounting bizarre and elaborate stories in a posh, drunken mumble, punctuated by the occasional moment of perfect clarity - such as "I was very drunk". Despite the character's comedic absurdity, he occasionally displayed moments of unexpected poignancy, making Rowley one of the show's most iconic and strangely moving creations.
Dave Angel

Dave Angel, a self-styled environmental activist with the demeanour of a dodgy geezer, was brought to life by Simon Day. With his leather jacket, aviator sunglasses, and smooth-talking delivery, Dave Angel spoke passionately about saving the planet - but in a way that always seemed oddly self-interested or confused.
So, five great characters from The Fast Show there, we're sure you agree. There's plenty more to discover in the show though; Arthur Atkinson, Billy Bleach, Bob Fleming, Colin Hunt, The 13th Duke of Wybourne, Insecure Woman, Johnny Nice Painter, Roy and Renée... the list goes on and on!
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