Funny Money: Six British Comedians Who Joke About Money

Even as the doom-mongers and the prophets of financial meltdown continue to tell us that the UK is stuck in the economic doldrums, British stand up comics are carrying on that Great British tradition of making fun of it.
It's a massive and unavoidable part of our lives, so we might as well take whatever joy from it we can, so in that spirit, here are six British stand-ups who joke about money...
1. Michael McIntyre

The Hampstead comedian, known for his 'posh' accent and his 2009 British Comedy Award for 'Best Stand-Up', offered this gem on the banking bail-out...
"I knew the banks were in trouble when I turned on to watch Deal or No Deal and the banker had disappeared. There was just Noel Edmonds, 22 boxes and a recorded message." --- "I miss Howard from the Halifax ads - he's the real victim of the credit crunch."
2. Peter Kay

Bolton's favourite son Peter Kay covers a lot of topics in his routine, one of which is money...
"Why is the person who handles your money called a broker?"
"I went to the bank and asked to borrow a cup of money. They said, 'What for?' I said, 'I'm going to buy some sugar'."
3. Russell Brand

With his madcap musings and eloquent turn-of-phrase, Russell Brand's comedy is a meeting of observational humour and surrealist ramblings. Brand has his opinions on money though - on childhood fantasies, he said:
"They involve a utopia in which there is no money and everyone is topless."
4. Dylan Moran

Dylan Moran's comedy styling relies on his idiosyncratic delivery and mannerisms, and whilst he often goes off on sprawling tangents, here's what he has to say on money:
"Money can't buy you love, but it can get you some really good chocolate ginger biscuits."
On cash machines:
"You go to those holes in the walls drunk and press the buttons - BSHING BSHING BSHING - would you like a new mortgage? I don't know, I'm not even sure about this sausage roll! BSHING BSHING BSHING would you like to check your balance? What are you, my mother?"
5. Frankie Boyle

Controversial Scottish funnyman Frankie Boyle often shocks with his one-liners, but here's a slightly less controversial one about money from him:
"Don't you think it's quite weird for Prince Harry, getting really stoned and seeing your gran's face appearing on your money?"
6. Jimmy Carr

With similar near-the-knuckle comedy, Jimmy Carr has this to say on money...
"I'd like to leave you ladies and gentlemen with this frightening fact: I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but if you took all the money that we in the West spend on food in one week, you could feed the Third World for one year. I'm not sure about you people, but I think we're being overcharged on groceries."
Mark Hooson loves stand-up comedy, and in his day job writes about less amusing things like savings accounts and car insurance.
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