Features Page 59
This page lists all the articles, interviews and other features BCG has published. There are more than 4,000 articles to read in this section. RSS feed
Frank Skinner / Mary O'Connell / Sigmund The Viking / Avital Ash - Bobby Carroll's Fringe Diary
Sunday 13th August 2023
The Fringe attracts some strange audiences and can lob some freaky set-ups that performers just have to muddle through; Bobby watches Frank Skinner, Mary O'Connell, Sigmund The Viking and Avital Ash battling against their spaces.
Comedy Chronicles: When Cary met Pastry - Cary Grant's friendship with Richard Hearne
Sunday 13th August 2023
The story of the perhaps unlikely-seeming friendship between Hollywood icon Cary Grant and English slapstick comic Richard Hearne, better known as the aged Mr Pastry.
Monkey Barrel All Dayer - Bobby Carroll's Fringe Diary
Saturday 12th August 2023
Bobby spends all day in Monkey Barrel 2 testing the oft quoted Fringe theory that "you can spend a whole day in the same room in Monkey Barrel and see nothing but bangers". No spoilers but Laura Davis and Liam Withnail both stand out.
Calling the Shots
Friday 11th August 2023
Spice, filth and an interesting question, at this year's Standon Calling.
Louise Young / Jodie Mitchell / Micky Overman / Don Biswas - Bobby Carroll's Fringe Diary
Thursday 10th August 2023
Bobby gets distracted by some new laminates, witnesses two strong debuts with complex but potent identity politics and catches up on two more established acts who are pushing their comedic boundaries.
The joy of live comedy
Wednesday 9th August 2023
A look at the lure of live comedy, a communal entertainment experience like no other. What is its appeal?
British Comedy Quiz #266
Wednesday 9th August 2023
Another fifteen questions to exercise your grey matter today, courtesy of Niki Walton. How well do you know Last Of The Summer Wine and Britain's Best Sitcoms?
Adjani Salmon on Dreaming Whilst Black
Friday 4th August 2023
We took a few minutes out with creator and star Adjani Salmon to chat about Dreaming Whilst Black and its origins as a self-produced web series.
British Comedy Guide's top tips for the 2023 Edinburgh Festival
Thursday 3rd August 2023
Here's a list of Edinburgh Fringe shows the British Comedy Guide team have seen in preview, and can vouch for already being in great shape.
Welsh comedian Vix Leyton invites Edinburgh Fringe to The Comedy Arcade
Thursday 3rd August 2023
Vix Leyton is the host of panel game and podcast format The Comedy Arcade. As it begins a run at the Edinburgh Fringe, she shares some favourite experiences from past episodes.