Features Page 514
This page lists all the articles, interviews and other features BCG has published. There are more than 4,000 articles to read in this section. RSS feed
Dishad Husain interview
Sunday 15th June 2008
Michael Monkhouse encounters Dishad Husain, tipped by Channel 4 as an upcoming director.
Rasmus Hardiker interview
Saturday 1st March 2008
An interview with Rasmus Hardiker, the young British comedy actor from sitcoms like Lead Balloon and Saxondale.
The Return of the Audience Sitcom
Monday 24th September 2007
Back in 2007, a comedy fan provided us with this article, which was his view on the new wave of British sitcoms filmed in front of a live audience
The Top Ten Sitcom Villains
Thursday 28th September 2006
An entirely unscientific and personally subjective list of the top ten sitcom villains to have existed in British comedy.
Comment: The Forgotten Sitcoms?
Wednesday 13th September 2006
A contributor discusses some of his favourite sitcoms which have disappeared from our screens.
Comment: Is laughter the best medicine?
Wednesday 13th September 2006
Armando Iannucci has called for a return to the traditional way of shooting sitcoms. But is this really the way forward asks this article?
What is a sitcom?
Sunday 1st January 2006
More details about just what a sitcom is, and a look back at sitcoms from the various decades.