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Top 10 Fringe Acts
Thursday 2nd September 2010
We've looked at over 2,400 reviews to determine what the best ten Edinburgh Fringe shows were in 2010.
Four Screws Loose review
Monday 30th August 2010
A sketch show with lots of laughs - particularly in the skits where music was involved.
His Eyes Were Like Oysters review
Monday 30th August 2010
Possibily the most surreal comedy show you'll ever see and thus impossible to rate.
Joe Lycett & Andrew Ryan review
Monday 30th August 2010
A double-header featuring two charming young comedians who are clearly destined to go onto bigger things.
Kev Orkian review
Monday 30th August 2010
Kev Orkian's fictional Armenian character may not deliver the most subtle of jokes, but is he a great mainstream entertainer.
Late Night Gimp Fight review
Monday 30th August 2010
Some fast-paced, high-energy, well directed - if a little over-crude at times - sketch show fun.
Matt Green review
Monday 30th August 2010
A mildly amusing show, but Matt Green would probably have been better sticking to the audience banter which is where the main humour was.
Matt Tiller review
Monday 30th August 2010
Some funny songs about the awkward situations in life, but some issues stop the show being as funny as it could be.
Stuart Goldsmith review
Monday 30th August 2010
Stuart Goldsmith says he has spent his whole life trying to be interesting. He has definitely succeeded.