Features Page 483
This page lists all the articles, interviews and other features BCG has published. There are more than 4,000 articles to read in this section. RSS feed
Seymour Mace review
Saturday 13th August 2011
Seymour Mace uses art, poetry, dance, 'impressinations' and some audience participation involving balls to cheer everyone up.
Andrew Lawrence review
Saturday 13th August 2011
Andrew Lawrence has mellowed significantly. It's a solid show which should still appeal to fans with dark taste... only now they can bring their friends.
Catie Wilkins interview
Saturday 13th August 2011
Catie Wilkins talks about her Edinburgh show, and what her family think of it...
Comedians to take on critics in football match
Saturday 13th August 2011
A team of comedians, lead by Mark Watson, are set to take on comedy reviewers tomorrow in the annual Edinburgh Fringe 'Comics v Critics' football match.
Stewart Lee uses riots to market DVDs
Saturday 13th August 2011
Stewart Lee has found a tongue-in-cheek way to market his DVDs off the back of the London riots.
Michael J Dolan: My two word joke
Saturday 13th August 2011
Manchester-based comic Michael J Dolan talks about the construction of jokes, and reveals his very short two word joke.
Comedian attacked in Edinburgh
Saturday 13th August 2011
American comedian Chris Coxen has been left with two black eyes after being attacked by a gang in Edinburgh last night.
Elis James review
Friday 12th August 2011
Elis James is a polite, charming and smooth talking comedian.
Late Night Gimp Fight review
Friday 12th August 2011
The humping, wanking, vomiting, incestuous prostitution, backstreet abortion and diarrhoea aren't the most disgusting parts of this show.