Features Page 477
This page lists all the articles, interviews and other features BCG has published. There are more than 4,000 articles to read in this section. RSS feed
Morgan & West review
Saturday 20th August 2011
Morgan & West get a solid 4 stars for a genuinely rich, wholehearted, fun family entertainment with mind-boggling trickery and many comical hum-dingers.
Jimeoin review
Saturday 20th August 2011
Jimeoin has that rare talent of being able to carve out some of the funniest material from the simplest observations.
Chris Ramsey review
Saturday 20th August 2011
If you require a man who is enthusiastic, meaningful, incredibly friendly, full of cheeky charm, and hugely funny, Chris Ramsey confidently gives every box a large tick.
Isy Suttie review
Saturday 20th August 2011
It's perhaps slightly surprising that Isy Suttie is still nestled away in a low-key 5pm slot despite being quite a well-known telly face these days.
Gareth Richards review
Saturday 20th August 2011
Gareth Richards could have done with writing a few more jokes rather than relying on a garrulous manner and waves of goodwill.
Clever Peter interview
Saturday 20th August 2011
Characterised by their blue, yellow and red jumpers, sketch group Clever Peter are a bit like the Famous Five on acid, minus Timmy the dog. They chat to Lucy Wood.
Imran Yusuf interview
Saturday 20th August 2011
At the last Fringe he was doing free shows. Now he's selling loads of tickets, has a TV vehicle in the offing, and Michael McIntyre re-quoting his routines. It's been quite a year for Imran Yusuf...
Ben Walker: Podcasts
Friday 19th August 2011
Ben Walker, the producer behind hit podcasts including Pappy's Flatshare Slamdown and As It Occurs To Me, talks about his new panel show podcast, recording this weekend at the Fringe.
So You Think You're Funny finalists prepare
Friday 19th August 2011
Nine of the country's funniest up-and-coming comics have been put through their paces and are now preparing for the big stand-up comedy competition next week...
Meryl O'Rourke interview
Friday 19th August 2011
Potty-mouthed potty-trainer Meryl O'Rourke is on a quest to end 72 years of inappropriate parenting...