Features Page 475
This page lists all the articles, interviews and other features BCG has published. There are more than 4,000 articles to read in this section. RSS feed
Ben Verth review
Monday 22nd August 2011
This show won't change your life - unless you're an occultist who's already wavering - but a free hour with Ben Verth is very much worth your while.
John Scott: Scottish Comedy
Sunday 21st August 2011
A passionate article about Scottish stand-up comedy written by John Scott.
Deborah Frances-White interview
Sunday 21st August 2011
From flirting at the Fringe to making a movie... it's all go for Deborah Frances-White this summer.
Matt Tiller: What's first: the funny or the tune?
Saturday 20th August 2011
There has been a massive resurgence in musical comedy in recent years, so we asked guitar strumming comic Matt Tiller what comes first... the funny or the tune?
The Under Dogs: Dog Walking
Saturday 20th August 2011
The Under Dogs - Kate Roxburgh and Shae Kuehlman, who are performing a sketch show called Shakespeare's Monkeys - tell us about their two dogs, who they have brought to the festival...
Bob Downe review
Saturday 20th August 2011
Compellingly camp Aussie crooner Bob Downe has been away from the Fringe for four years, but absence clearly makes the heart grow fonder, and Bob go blonder.
The Behemoth review
Saturday 20th August 2011
In the nicest possible way, Nadia Kamil and John-Luke Roberts do have wonderfully warped minds.
Jigsaw review
Saturday 20th August 2011
We get straight into the jokes without introductions or set-up and, with sketches lasting more than a minute a rarity, the pace rarely lets up.
Meryl O'Rourke review
Saturday 20th August 2011
Meryl O'Rourke's charming delivery and sharply observed tales leave the audience in no doubt that they've just seen one of this year's Fringe highlights.
Chris Mayo review
Saturday 20th August 2011
At points in the show the audience is forced to wonder whether they're paying to act as silent counsellors.