Features Page 472
This page lists all the articles, interviews and other features BCG has published. There are more than 4,000 articles to read in this section. RSS feed
Tom Deacon review
Friday 26th August 2011
End-of-punchline silence as Tom Deacon's jokes bombed almost became part of the act.
Women on the Fringe of Success
Friday 26th August 2011
Lynne Parker, from the Funny Women organisation, writes about female comedians at the Edinburgh Fringe...
Comedy Cook Off: Vote Now
Thursday 25th August 2011
Gemma Goggin, Naz Osmanoglu, James Acaster, Jeff Leach, Horse & Louis and Rayguns Look Real Enough have taken part in a competition to see who can cook up the best Souffle. Check out the videos and vote for your favourite.
Casual Violence review
Thursday 25th August 2011
It's very tightly choreographed and the performances are incredibly intense.
Fitzrovia Radio Hour review
Thursday 25th August 2011
If you fancy a break from the rush of the Fringe, then pop along to the Gilded Balloon for some teatime entertainment of the old-fashioned kind.
Ian D Montfort review
Thursday 25th August 2011
Ian D Montfort (aka Tom Binns) handles the audience interaction brilliantly, with very funny results.
Fascinating Aida: Cheap Flights
Thursday 25th August 2011
Check out the hit budget-airlines bashing video from cabaret trio Fascinating Aida. The song has clocked up over 6 million hits on YouTube now...
The best joke of the Fringe is...
Thursday 25th August 2011
TV channel Dave has announced the 10 best and worst jokes of the 2011 Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Nick Helm delivers the winning joke.
Wedding Band: A Comedy by Charlie Baker review
Wednesday 24th August 2011
The issue with Charlie Baker's play is the plot, which is pretty slight. There are storylines set up here which are then either resolved too easily, or simply left hanging.
Andrew Maxwell review
Wednesday 24th August 2011
Impressively funny, thoughtful stuff, told from the perspective of a chap coming to terms with getting older.