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This page lists all the articles, interviews and other features BCG has published. There are more than 4,000 articles to read in this section. RSS feed
Tom Stade interview
Thursday 29th September 2011
Once tipped for big-time US TV success, Tom Stade ended up co-writing the infamous Tramadol Nights after numerous neglected years on the UK circuit. So is he, like Frankie Boyle, still being horrid about Jordan's offspring?
Costa launches stand-up challenge
Monday 26th September 2011
Costa Coffee has launched a stand-up comedy challenge, in which budding comics are invited to submit a one-minute film of their act.
Puppetry of the Penis protest
Monday 26th September 2011
A Leamington Spa councillor is protesting about the comic stage show tour Puppetry of the Penis 3D visiting his town later this week.
Harry Venning interview
Monday 26th September 2011
An interview with cartoonist and writer Harry Venning, the creator of long-running Radio 4 sitcom Clare In The Community...
Laughing Boy gig review
Monday 26th September 2011
Anna Lowman reviews the Live At The Apollo warm-up gig at the Laughing Boy Comedy Club in London, featuring Mark Watson, Andi Osho, Seann Walsh, Shappi Khorsandi, Jason Byrne and Andrew Maxwell.
The most searched for comedians
Thursday 22nd September 2011
Michael McIntyre is the most searched for UK comedian on Google, but who else makes the list?
Uni Flatshare Comedy
Tuesday 20th September 2011
Fresh Meat, the new comedy drama from the creators of Peep Show, is the first university flatshare-based British comedy for a while. It's odd, because it's a rich setting for comedy...
Only Fools and Horses: Theme Music
Saturday 17th September 2011
You're probably familiar with the famous Only Fools And Horses music... but did you know that the show originally had a different theme tune? Plus, there's now a modern re-mix? See them here.
Alan Carr causes pregnant lady to go into labour
Thursday 15th September 2011
A heavily pregnant lady was laughing so much during Alan Carr's Spexy Beast tour that she went in to labour.
Michael Smiley interview
Wednesday 14th September 2011
Thrust into thespianism by Simon Pegg and Spaced, Michael 'Tyres' Smiley has been flexing those acting muscles with Luther and now Kill List. So why won't his award-winning wife work with him?