Features Page 328
This page lists all the articles, interviews and other features BCG has published. There are more than 4,000 articles to read in this section. RSS feed
First Gig, Worst Gig: Felicity Ward
Thursday 23rd June 2016
The well-reviewed Felicity Ward talks pegs, pineapples and broken jaws.
Pledge to Angel Comedy's Kickstarter and re-name the MC
Wednesday 22nd June 2016
The Angel Comedy Club in London has raised £20,000 via Kickstarter to set up its own dedicated venue. It's now aiming to raise another £40,000 to fund a training space and community projects. In return for backing the project, you can name anything in the club... even the MC!
Big Field: Darren Dutton interview
Thursday 16th June 2016
Big Field director and co-creator Darren Dutton explains how they make their surreal online comedy show.
First Gig, Worst Gig: David Morgan
Thursday 16th June 2016
The Solihul stand-up David Morgan is all over ITV these days - well, ITV2 - and recalls at least one gig that had him pleading 'Get Me Outta Here...'
DI Sleet interview
Tuesday 14th June 2016
DI Sleet from Murder In Successville tells us about the benefits of sleeping in your car, the interesting guest he had at his 16th birthday party, and the camping trip he went on with Gordon Ramsay.
Mr Bean comic book published
Monday 13th June 2016
The first volume in a new series of Mr Bean comic strip books has been published. You can read one of the strips here.
Gein's Family Giftshop - Tour Blog 6
Monday 13th June 2016
Gein's Family Giftshop talk about performing in Machynlleth, Brighton and Aldershot. Plus admit they're scared of their forthcoming London gigs... but not for the reasons you might imagine.
Stand Up On Everest report
Friday 10th June 2016
Olivia Phipps reports back from the Stand Up On Everest trip, in which four comedians and a group of comedy fans trekked through the Himalayas to perform a gig on Everest.
First Gig, Worst Gig: Elis James
Thursday 9th June 2016
Elis James is touring with radio mucker John Robins soon, but we asked about solo weirdness.
Rik Mayall's funny letters
Wednesday 8th June 2016
Read the funny letters Rik Mayall wrote to fans and businesses.