Features Page 231
This page lists all the articles, interviews and other features BCG has published. There are more than 4,000 articles to read in this section. RSS feed
Thrift Stories: Brixton, with Joz Norris
Thursday 24th January 2019
We took culture-loving comic Joz Norris to a charity shop, thinking he'd load up on books and records. His actual haul was forking surprising.
British Comedy Quiz #34
Wednesday 23rd January 2019
Do you know where Sir Humphrey Appleby worked? Or where Mr Bean went on holiday? If so, you might do well at this week's quiz.
The skill of being a gameshow host
Tuesday 22nd January 2019
Becoming a game-show host can be hazardous to your reputation.
Random 8: The Delightful Sausage
Tuesday 22nd January 2019
Spicy sketch duo The Delightful Sausage talk Tom Cruise's Filey pastry and ill-judged hip-hop in Ilkley.
First Gig, Worst Gig: Danielle Walker
Friday 18th January 2019
Fresh from Oz, Danielle Walker recollects pig snouts, trouser illusions and exits via the fire escape.
British Comedy Quiz #33
Wednesday 16th January 2019
Time for another test of how much you can remember.
Random 8: Gary Tro
Tuesday 15th January 2019
Back in his civvies, the Just Us League's Gary Tro talks heroic Robin Hood, harmonious X-Men and emotional stores.
New comedy shows coming to TV in 2019
Monday 14th January 2019
There are lots of exciting new comedies coming to TV in 2019, and we've had a look at those we know a fair bit about already.
Catastrophe interviews
Monday 14th January 2019
In these interviews, Sharon Horgan and Rob Delaney confirm that Series 4 of Catastrophe will be the last. Amongst other things, they talk about how it is emotional to say goodbye to the show.
18 facts about Phoenix Nights
Monday 14th January 2019
As Phoenix Nights turns 18-years-old, we offer up 18 facts about the show that you may not be aware of...