Features Page 221
This page lists all the articles, interviews and other features BCG has published. There are more than 4,000 articles to read in this section. RSS feed
Toby Jones interview
Monday 8th April 2019
Toby Jones has co-written and stars in Don't Forget The Driver. He explains more about the show in this interview.
Miles Chapman and Mark O'Sullivan interview
Monday 8th April 2019
Miles Chapman and Mark O'Sullivan are back for Series 2 of their sitcom, Lee & Dean. BCG chatted to them to find out what's ahead.
Billy Connolly is Grand Marshal of New York City Tartan Day Parade 2019
Friday 5th April 2019
Billy Connolly will act as the Grand Marshal of the New York City Tartan Day Parade this Saturday (6th April 2019).
Joe Lycett interview
Friday 5th April 2019
Joe Lycett introduces his new series and explains why Channel 4's lawyers now hate him.
First Gig, Worst Gig: Demetri Martin
Friday 5th April 2019
He's one of America's finest stand-ups, but which gig was "an unprecedented mix of surprise, rejection, failure and confusion"? Demetri Martin spills the beans.
William Andrews on his return to comedy
Thursday 4th April 2019
After a huge sabbatical, William Andrews is back performing comedy. In this article he talks about what it is like to return... well, he sort of talks about that.
John Rutledge - The Unexplainers interview
Thursday 4th April 2019
John Rutledge - AKA Eggsy - talks to us about The Unexplainers, the TV show in which he and Mike Bubbins investigate the supernatural. Apparently ghosts don't show up on cameras?!
British Comedy Quiz #44
Wednesday 3rd April 2019
What was the name of John Sullivan's comedy drama about a mini-cab firm? Any ideas? It's one of the questions in this week's quiz.
Random 8: Lee Minora
Tuesday 2nd April 2019
Flying in for this weekend's The Sick Of The Fringe festival, Lee Minora talks pee-seats, presidential candidates and handguns in restrooms.