Features Page 218
This page lists all the articles, interviews and other features BCG has published. There are more than 4,000 articles to read in this section. RSS feed
Random 8: Ed Gamble
Tuesday 7th May 2019
On the cusp of his first special, Ed Gamble talks awkward doctor doors and kids falling through floors.
First Gig, Worst Gig: Chris Neill
Friday 3rd May 2019
Britain's answer to Davd Sedaris - so The Observer reckoned - recalls an encounter with Dustin Hoffman that got him (a) into stand-up and (b) sent home.
Komedia Brighton celebrates 25 years - picture archive
Thursday 2nd May 2019
Brighton's Komedia venue - which has hosted many a comedy show over the years - is celebrating its 25th birthday. Here's some vintage brochure entries featuring comedians.
Mock The Week Series 18 - Coming Soon
Thursday 2nd May 2019
Mock The Week Series 18 starts in late May. The comical press release reveals that newcomers this time will include Sindhu Vee, Olga Koch, Sophie Duker and Paul Chowdhry.
British Comedy Quiz #48
Wednesday 1st May 2019
This time, to get 10 out of 10, you'll need to have seen The Last Leg, Ideal, A Touch Of Cloth... and more.
Random 8: Dane Baptiste
Tuesday 30th April 2019
Gigging for Women and Children First, Dane Baptiste gets us thinking about karate awkwardness and vampire issues.
Fortress Comedy Festival: Rollicking in the Ramparts
Friday 26th April 2019
Croatia's Fortress Comedy Festival brings global stand-up stars to a historic setting.
First Gig, Worst Gig: Joanna Neary
Friday 26th April 2019
Fringe favourite Joanna Neary on creative kids, character tips and her least favourite peach-faced star.
Improv has got big!
Thursday 25th April 2019
Hoopla Impro director Steve Roe offers up five reasons why improvised comedy has exploded in popularity in recent years.
The 'Avengers: Endgame' Guestimates
Wednesday 24th April 2019
A team of Marvel-loving comics take wild (totally spoiler-free) guesses about what happens in the new Avengers epic. Alternate dimensions! Practical jokes! Billy Ray Cyrus!