Features Page 193
This page lists all the articles, interviews and other features BCG has published. There are more than 4,000 articles to read in this section. RSS feed
Catherine Bohart interview
Tuesday 29th October 2019
Catherine Bohart's new show Lemon responds to a woman who called her 'disgusting' for mentioning her bisexuality. In a revealing, intimate chat, we discuss queer comedy, political satire, 'tell-all' humour, and what it's like to date a fellow comic.
Random 8: Edward Aczel
Tuesday 29th October 2019
He may be off to become a monk, but at least Ed Aczel won't endure any more Toast-like voiceover debacles.
Tony Robinson interview
Saturday 26th October 2019
Tony Robinson talks about those Blackadder reunion rumours, the next challenges he's looking for in his career, and why he enjoyed taking on a guest star role in Plebs.
Alexander Armstrong interview
Friday 25th October 2019
Alexander Armstrong chats about his life, as he prepares to head out on tour with his brand new comedy show All Mouth And Some Trousers.
Kevin Smith gives the longest answer ever. And it's Marvellous
Friday 25th October 2019
Indie auteur and podcast pioneer Kevin Smith is heading over for some live UK Q&As to promote his new movie, Jay And Silent Bob Reboot, so it's high time we aired his full 10-minute answer to our Stan Lee question a few months back. Strap in.
First Gig, Worst Gig: Olga Koch
Friday 25th October 2019
She asked for it, and we said 'er, could do?': Olga Koch belts out the first ever First Gig Worst Gig karaoke special.
British Comedy Quiz #73
Wednesday 23rd October 2019
What does Victor Meldrew mistakenly pick up instead of his telephone in One Foot In The Grave? That and other questions here.
Random 8: Suzi Ruffell
Tuesday 22nd October 2019
Hat-based legislation, memorable dog-on-horse action and an unkind mouse: Suzi Ruffell takes the eight-question test.
Alcohol free comedy night to launch in London
Monday 21st October 2019
Comedy company Sober Is Fun is aiming to launch a regular comedy night in London in which no alcohol is served. The first gig is on Sunday 10th November in Bethnal Green.