Features Page 188
This page lists all the articles, interviews and other features BCG has published. There are more than 4,000 articles to read in this section. RSS feed
British Comedy Quiz #80
Wednesday 11th December 2019
What is the forename of Miss Jones in Rising Damp? That's one of the questions in this week's quiz.
Comedy Chronicles: When Harry met Harold
Tuesday 10th December 2019
In the run-up to the 2019 General Election, Graham McCann recounts the curious tale of Harold Wilson, Harry Worth, and two raincoats.
Top 10 Christmas Cracker jokes 2019
Tuesday 10th December 2019
'Why does Donald Trump have his Christmas dinner on a plastic plate? He doesn't get on with china.' Here's 10 topical Christmas cracker jokes for 2019.
Random 8: Melinda Hughes and Lenny Beige
Tuesday 10th December 2019
Melinda Hughes and Lenny Beige are doing a festive Ding-Dong: but why is a former Hulk their favourite lap-land?
Dial M For Middlesbrough interview
Monday 9th December 2019
Johnny Vegas, Sian Gibson, Annette Crosbie, Jason Donovan, Phil Davis, Sally Lindsay, Joanna Page, Ambreen Razia, Jason Forbes, Mike Wozniak and John Macmillan talk about starring in Dial M For Middlesbrough.
Chris McCausland interview
Monday 9th December 2019
Chris McCausland has had a brilliant 2019 career-wise, as he discusses in this interview.
First Gig, Worst Gig: Howard Read
Friday 6th December 2019
Howard Read pops up at the Hertford Theatre's Comedy Gala Evening on Wednesday: but what does he think of the host?
No Such Thing As A Fish interview
Wednesday 4th December 2019
No Such Thing As A Fish stars Anna Ptaszynski and James Harkin talk about the success of their podcast, and their new fact-filled book. Along the way, topics including old cats, cattle insemination and polar vortexes pop up.
British Comedy Quiz #79
Wednesday 4th December 2019
Monty Python, My Family, Ronnie Barker and Steptoe And Son are amongst this week's topics.
Random 8: Paul Revill
Tuesday 3rd December 2019
From a flower for Jolie to an Ocean Colour Scene wee, it's Paul Revill's revelations.