Features Page 176
This page lists all the articles, interviews and other features BCG has published. There are more than 4,000 articles to read in this section. RSS feed
British Comedy Quiz #98
Wednesday 22nd April 2020
Jethro, Never Mind The Buzzcocks, Keeping Up Appearances and Cabin Pressure are amongst the question topics this time.
Random 8: Daniel Muggleton
Tuesday 21st April 2020
He's taking a multi-persona approach to lockdown, as a new special lands on YouTube; but why didn't Daniel Muggleton recognise his own dad?
Jayde Adams interview
Tuesday 21st April 2020
Her great year looked to have stalled, but Jayde Adams is achieving a long-held ambition with her anything-can-happen Couch Cabaret. Here we also tackle review snobbery, that Kylie Jenner title change, and her TikTok triumph.
Comedy Chronicles: Rex Harrison - His greatest hits
Sunday 19th April 2020
The jaw-dropping tale of Rex Harrison, who may have been one of Hollywood's biggest stars but elicited far more anger than admiration amongst those he met.
First Gig, Worst Gig: David Mills
Friday 17th April 2020
As his new web series THAT GUY lands, David Mills reveals one award show debacle we really wish he'd filmed too.
British Comedy Quiz #97
Wednesday 15th April 2020
We think it's going to be rather hard indeed to get a score of 10 out of 10 from this week's set of questions.
Random 8: Janice Connolly and Barbara Nice
Tuesday 14th April 2020
Legends of stage, screen and now shed-based audio: Janice Connolly and Barbara Nice rattle through our random questions.
Joe Lycett interview
Friday 10th April 2020
Joe Lycett talks about returning for a second series of his 'Sexy Watchdog' telly series. He talks about how he's proud of the show's victories over big companies, and how he's keeping the lawyers busy.
First Gig, Worst Gig: Katie Pritchard
Friday 10th April 2020
She jokes, acts, sings, plays, and now draws for people - but how did Katie Pritchard's first stand-up heckle happen at school?
British Comedy Quiz #96
Wednesday 8th April 2020
French And Saunders, Friday Night Dinner, Rambling Syd Rumpo and Shaun Of The Dead are amongst the topics in this week's quiz.