Features Page 157
This page lists all the articles, interviews and other features BCG has published. There are more than 4,000 articles to read in this section. RSS feed
Pictures of comedians as kids
Thursday 12th November 2020
Take a look at this set of brilliant pictures of comedians when they were little.
British Comedy Quiz #127
Wednesday 11th November 2020
Time to test your memory again. In the unlikely event you manage to get all 10 right don't be smug, as there's the cryptic clue to do too!
Comedy characters in cross stitch
Tuesday 10th November 2020
The characters from The IT Crowd, The League Of Gentlemen, The Fast Show, Friday Night Dinner, Ghosts and more... in cross stitch!
Random 8: Hal Cruttenden
Tuesday 10th November 2020
He's stoked to get back on stage at Peterborough's Clever Monkee Festival, but why did Hal Cruttenden need to stop watching one great British sitcom?
Isy Suttie on love, sharing your vulnerability and writing her first novel
Monday 9th November 2020
Amongst other things, Isy Suttie talks about her plans to return to stand-up, writing her debut novel, and the return of her The Things We Do For Love podcast.
Novelty Jukebox: The Goons EP (1956)
Monday 9th November 2020
Comic music has been around for centuries, but it was the The Goons EP in 1956 that brought about the first real novelty/comedy record.
Adam Riches: Which Footballer Are You?
Sunday 8th November 2020
Which legendary Liverpool winger does Adam Riches relate to? All will be revealed - we will hold and give, at the right time.
Comedy Rewind: Time to get back On The Buses
Sunday 8th November 2020
"I'll get you, Butler! I will get you! Mark my words, this time, I will get you, boy!"
First Gig, Worst Gig: Max & Ivan
Friday 6th November 2020
Making next year much better with a six-show retrospective, Max & Ivan talk us through their best and worst bits.
Don't Stand So Close To Me
Thursday 5th November 2020
The current TV studio setups can take some getting used to.