Features Page 136
This page lists all the articles, interviews and other features BCG has published. There are more than 4,000 articles to read in this section. RSS feed
Some great Spaced episodes
Tuesday 22nd June 2021
It was back in 1999 that the first episode of Spaced appeared on Channel 4 in the United Kingdom, introducing viewers to the characters of Tim, Daisy, Marsha, Mike, Brian and Twist.
Who is the Funniest British Comedian?
Monday 21st June 2021
The title of the 'funniest British comedian' is often hotly debated. There is no definitive answer to the question... but here are four names who are often talked about.
Comedy Rewind: Lee Evans - So What Now?
Sunday 20th June 2021
2001 comedy Lee Evans - So What Now? saw the stand-up star bringing his madcap energy to the world of sitcom.
British Comedy Quiz #158
Wednesday 16th June 2021
Tommy Cooper, Rising Damp, Bob Mortimer and The League Of Gentlemen are amongst the topics in this quiz.
Stop horsing around! Three horse racing jokes
Tuesday 15th June 2021
There are more jokes surrounding horses and racing than you might imagine. As Royal Ascot gets underway, here are three horse racing gags.
Random 8: Alex Lynch
Tuesday 15th June 2021
His podcast Out Of Character gives guests a novel test, but why did Alex Lynch have nightmares for Children In Need?
James Acaster interview
Monday 14th June 2021
Ahead of appearing on Big Zuu's Big Eats, James Acaster talks about his love of food, and the benefits of having a pot-washing job when you're growing up.
Comedy Chronicles: That's Me In The Corner - Four Comedy Stooges
Sunday 13th June 2021
You don't really see them these days: those odd, idiosyncratic, seldom-speaking comic characters whose entire raison d'ĂȘtre is to be the recurring butt of a well-known comedian's jokes. Go back forty years or more, however, and they were a common sight. Graham McCann looks at the careers of Jackie Wright, Johnny Vyvyan, Arthur Tolcher and Johnny Hutch.
First Gig, Worst Gig: Rosie Wilby
Friday 11th June 2021
With her Breakup Monologues now on bookshelves, headphones and live stages, Rosie Wilby talks us through some great and gruesome gig memories.
British Comedy Quiz #157
Wednesday 9th June 2021
We think this is a fun bunch of questions. See if you agree...