BCG Daily Sunday 27th August 2023
Press clippings

Tim Vine interview
Adam Robertson spoke with comedian Tim Vine about the 10 things that changed his life.
Adam Robertson, The National (Scotland), 27th August 2023
Jamie-Lee O'Donnell interview
Jamie-Lee O'Donnell on being skint, Derry Girls, and her prison drama Screw: 'For so long I was told my Derry accent was too strong, too working class'.
Ellie Harrison, The Independent, 27th August 2023
Starstruck's Rose Matafeo: Rob Lowe, Nelson Mandela and me
The comedian on her hippy parents and the culture that made her.
Jake Helm, The Sunday Times, 27th August 2023The Edinburgh Fringe is just another choking canary in the toxic national mine
But if I'm going to watch the Britain I loved expire slowly, I'd rather do it from the top of the Royal Mile in August.
Stewart Lee, The Observer, 27th August 2023
Nikesh Patel interview
The actor on the joy of working with Rose Matafeo, his early exit from Celebrity Hunted and his fondness for Uno.
Tim Lewis, The Observer, 27th August 2023I'm a comedian at the Edinburgh Fringe - this is the inside story
As the UK's premier comedy festival comes to a close, comedian Vix Leyton gives us the inside scoop on bad reviews, empty theatres, and the real cost of showbusiness.
Vix Leyton, The Independent, 27th August 2023Australian comedian slams Fringe coverage of Graham Linehan
A trans comedian has said she and other trans performers have suffered from less coverage and had fewer reviewers come to their shows.
Catriona Stewart, The Herald, 27th August 2023
The lost art of telling jokes - and how to master being funny
Top tips for keeping an audience rapt rather than repulsed, from silly puns to shaggy dog stories.
David Quantick, The Telegraph, 27th August 2023Edinburgh Festival Fringe: New 'alliance' formed to fight for more financial support for event
Fringe Society chief says festival is 'undervalued'.
Brian Ferguson, The Scotsman, 27th August 2023Edinburgh Fringe 2023 comes to a close: Here are our favourite shows of the festival
As the world's biggest theatre festival comes to a close for another year, we take a look back at the Fringe and our favourite shows of 2023.
Jonny Walfisz, Euronews, 27th August 2023