Richard Herring's Edinburgh Fringe Podcast: 2013 #11: Hannibal Buress, Greg Proops and Lost Voice Guy
RHEFP 2013 #11: Hannibal Buress, Greg Proops and Lost Voice Guy - Imaginary Ocelot. Day 12 of the Fringe and Richard seems to have lost the ability to speak. Which would be a problem if he didn't have such eloquent guests. First up is a jet-lagged (take note Bo Burnham) Hannibal Buress who talks about being a bum, why the actors on Saturday Night Live don't learn their lines and his attitude towards napkins. There's five minutes of stand-up from Lost Voice Guy, a stand-up who can't speak. Beat that! And then Greg Proops is on hand to discuss taking a drug, what happens to us when we die and why he feels the need to document his whole life via podcast, the loser. Also a special appearance from Me2, advising people not to come to the live Me1 Vs Me2 Snooker frame on 12th August at Assembly 3 at 9.30pm. And there's a day off tomorrow for you to catch up!
- Published: 11th August 2013
- Length: 56 mins
- Size: 51.59mb