Richard Herring's Edinburgh Fringe Podcast: 2013 #10: Michael Legge, David O'Doherty and Felicity Ward
RHEFP 2013 #10: Michael Legge, David O'Doherty and Felicity Ward - Orangeman's Day. Richard is a bit frazzled and confused as the daily grind of two shows a day starts to take its toll, but a podcast full of comedy talent will revive him. Plus he's just seen Clare Grogan in the street. Michael Legge is back as a last minute replacement for a jet-lagged Bo Burnham (he'll be on the show on Tuesday), chosen as the comedian who is most similar to the YouTube sensation and not because he was the only comic on Twitter at 9 this morning. He has more stories of being mistaken for the other Michael Legge (from Angela's Ashes), confused women in train stations and his love for Mrs Brown's Boys. Then there's five minutes stand-up from the brilliant Mary Poppins hating Felicity Ward, before David O'Doherty arrives to tell us about his stolen bike wheel, what happens when you try to cash a giant novelty cheque and how he's managed to create 12 Fringe shows in as many years, which should shut Rich up for a bit. With added feedback to annoy the audiophiles and help pinpoint them to the police when they complain. Plus a profound and beautiful song about life. A right cracker in fact.
- Published: 10th August 2013
- Length: 60 mins
- Size: 55.59mb