Richard Herring's Edinburgh Fringe Podcast: 2013 #04: Brendon Burns, John Lloyd and Keith Farnan
RHEFP 2013 #4: Brendon Burns, John Lloyd and Keith Farnan - Thistles Up Your Anus. Richard is bamboozled after receiving flowers from a man and the unexpected feelings that has awakened, and on top of that an unexpected double booking has occurred. So two guests for the price of one with Wrestling fan and victim of marsupial abuse, Brendon Burns and carrot-chemical obsessive, furniture snob John Lloyd. And the double-header works so well that we might do it more. If you've ever thought about your dog's vagina whilst masturbating, know all the words to the Not The Nine O'Clock News or don't know what 'cunnilingus' means, then this is the show for you. With a fantastic set from Keith Farnan.
- Published: 4th August 2013
- Length: 60 mins
- Size: 30.96mb