Richard Herring's Edinburgh Fringe Podcast: 2013 #01: Jenny Eclair, Alfie Brown
RHEFP 2013 #1: Jenny Eclair and Alfie Brown - Urine Teeth. Rich's 22nd Edinburgh Fringe is underway with vandal, novelist, punk poet and reprobate Jenny Eclair as the first guest of the new run. She's a character witness in Cupboardgate with a controversial theory about who was responsible and she's worked with (though not as far as we know 'worked with' Keith Allen), so there's plenty to talk about. With memories of embarrassment and sexual awakening on the Twister mat, reviews for pubic Eclair and the international terrifying-sound of laughing middle-aged women. Plus Colin the ghost returns and the disappointing airing of a new emergency question. With stand-up from the controversial and uncompromising Alfie Brown.
- Published: 1st August 2013
- Length: 55 mins
- Size: 50.48mb