Richard Herring's Edinburgh Fringe Podcast: 2012 #11: Janet Ellis and Ahir Shah
2012 #11: O is for Oranges - Janet Ellis and Ahir Shah. Even Rodney Bewes couldn't make this up, Richard is interviewing the woman responsible for his sexual awakening, Janet Ellis. This could get messy. If you're a fan of producers of 1980s kids shows you're going to be delighted by the amount of time Richard wants to talk about Clive Doig and Biddy Baxter. But there's time for chat about Dr Who, Bargain Hunt and Hull University pool table. Richard mainly behaves himself but can't help the occasional accidental ejaculation of rudeness. His 14 year-old self would have exploded. In every sense. Stand-up from the annoyingly young and talented Ahir Shah. Rich needs a day off to lie down after this. See you on Tuesday.
(Sorry, the audio quality at the start of this podcast isn't the best, but it is fixed after 15 minutes)
- Published: 13th August 2012
- Length: 56 mins
- Size: 51.80mb