Collings & Herrin: Podcast 141
In Podcast 141, we face death, in the face, and not just Bernard Matthews'. Not to mention the extortionate costs of hiring a people-carrier with a ridiculous name that most people would be too embarrassed to ask for on the phone, the intricacies of our close showbiz pal Jason Manford's career-change (actually, this bit is cut off in the middle, due to a fetish fridge magnet somebody sent us as an act of sabotage), the confusingly fragrant nature of middle class female student rioters and its impact on the Daily Mail, the counterintuitive behaviour of people who vote for people who are rubbish on TV reality and talent shows, and the coming potato famine in Ireland. Do not put a magnet near this podcast, as it might make it disappear.
- Published: 26th November 2010
- Length: 79 mins
- Size: 72.5mb